Monday, June 14, 2010

XiaoBin is ready to go back to Beijing !

2 weeks post-surgery, and our little guy is ready to head home.  At his follow-up appointment today with Dr Yeow (Cranial surgeon) and Prof Teoh (Orthopedic surgeon), both are happy with his recovery and approved his return to Beijing, where we just need to do wound care.  XiaoBin and his nanny will leave Singapore on Thursday morning.  Thanks to everyone who has been involved in his care, especially Dr Yeow and his team.  Thanks also to fans of XiaoBin who have visited him, played with him and made him feel so welcome here. 

Picture on the right is after the staples were removed today. 

His hands now have 3 "fingers" each...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Checked out of hospital !

Xiao Bin has been recovering well and has been released from the hospital.  He had his hand bandages removed for the first time on Monday, and the orthopedic team are happy with the healing.  They are re-bandaged again for another week.  His skull is also healing well and the drainage tubes have been removed.  Xiao Bin is almost back to normal and can already walk, talk and play.  Only his eyes are still a little swollen.  He will have follow-up appointments on Friday (skull)  and next Monday (hands), and till then shall be resting at home with his playmates, Sasha and Giulia. 
Pictures taken on Sunday (day before he was released), and Bin was so happy to see Sasha and Giulia.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 4 in High Dependancy Ward

Much of the swelling has gone down, and he's becoming more alert.  He's already throwing his legs in the air, and today even managed to sit up for a short while.  They are slowly taking him off intravenous painkillers, and he has already started to feed on a little milk.  So all good signs to a steady recovery.  Tomorrow he should be transferred to a regular ward for a few more days, before being released next week !  Go Bin Go !
Thank you to everyone that has been thinking of him, praying for him and sending him positive energy ! 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Out of ICU !

XiaoBin has finally been transferred out of ICU after 2 full days.  He is now in the high dependency ward for a day or 2, before he will be transferred finally to regular ward.  His head, as expected, has swollen so much that he can't open his eyes.  But he's a strong little guy. Still on heavy medications and is mostly drowsy.